Loudonville Baptist Temple

Update from Kerry and Terry Psinas

Hello friends! Thank you so much for praying while we were in Grenada! Here is a short update of the evangelism trip. We got home Jan 19, on time, with all of our luggage – praise the Lord! The trip was incredible! There was a total of 13 team members, all with a heart to serve the Lord, who came from 3 different states. We attended two worship services Sunday morning, held 5 evangelism meetings at night, and walked through the villages during the day, passing out tracts. We distributed over 7,000 Gospel tracts! There were 27 people who asked Jesus to be their personal Savior!!!! We give God all the glory and praise for using each team member to plant seeds, water and harvest in Grenada!

We are now getting ready to leave for Louisiana and then Georgia for two 5 day missions conferences. We truly appreciate your prayers as we share the Grenada ministry with churches. Thank you again for your prayers and faithful financial support! You are very much a part of the harvest in Grenada!

serving with joy,

Kerry & Terri Psinas

IGM Missionaries

Grenada, West Indies

Posted in Missions News, Recent News and Updates on February 1, 2013.