Pastor David & Chris Koehler
Senior Pastor: After living in three states in the Midwest as a child, Pastor Koehler graduated from Ashland University, Ashland, OH, in 1990 with an AAS in Electronics Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Broadcast Engineering . He worked in corporate video as a producer/editor with DRM Productions, Inc., in Mansfield, OH, for 15 years. Shortly after graduating from AU, he met and married Chris Garcia, a life-long resident of Mansfield. Pastor and Chris were busy raising their children at the Mansfield Baptist Temple, serving in the bus ministry, as Sunday School teachers, the Ladies Fellowship, nursery, music, and Jr. Church ministries. God called him to preach in 1997 during MBT’s Annual World Missions Conference and he began preparing for the ministry. He graduated from Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary in 2003 and 2004 with Master of Theological Studies (03) and Master of Divinity (04) degrees. He has pastored the Loudonville Baptist Temple since January 3rd, 2003. Pastor Koehler was ordained into the Gospel ministry January 12, 2003 by the Mansfield Baptist Temple. Pastor and Chris have three boys, Matthew (Kristen), Joshua, and Jacob, and five grandchildren, Bella, Jaxon, Mattison, Audrey, and Shelby.
Click here to read Pastor Koehler’s blog
Youth Pastor – Steve Seaman
Pastor Seaman has been involved in youth ministry since graduating from Bob Jones University. He was Youth Pastor at Maranatha Baptist Church under the direction of his father, Dr. Robert Seaman, for 20 years. Since coming to LBT, Brother Seaman teaches the Teen Sunday School Class, directs all Jr. Church ministries, and directs our Teen Choir.
Minister of Music – Skip & Holley Cook
Minister of Music: Bro. Floyd (Skip) Cook was saved February 12, 1980 at a Missions Conference after listening to a salvation message preached by Dr. Don Sisk; Missionary to Japan. Skip is a graduate of Baptist University with a BA in Sacred Music and Bible. He also attended Alabama Aviation Technical College earning a diploma and license in aircraft maintenance. Skip met and married Holley Wilson while he was on staff at the Wichita Baptist Tabernacle. Their ministry for many years was bi-vocational as Skip was a member of the Coast Guard for over 27 years. They served in several churches in Alaska, Alabama, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Kentucky, Texas, California, and Pennsylvania. Skip has been involved with primarily helping pastors and building music ministries in small churches. He also assisted youth ministries, taught adult Sunday School classes, served as deacon in several churches, filled pulpits and served as associate pastor. Holley has been involved in children’s ministries for 30 years. She also worked with deaf ministries, special music, choir and widows’ ministries.
Skip and Holley have four children and five grandchildren. Brandon & Jessica, and their two girls live in Haslet, TX and serve on staff at Heritage Baptist Church. Amanda & Mike serve on staff at First Baptist of Milford, OH and have three children (1 set of twins). Candace graduated from the Biblical School of World Evangelism at Milford and is teaching school at a Baptist church in Texas; and Austin is at Pensacola Christian College. They came to Loudonville Baptist Temple in September of 2011. Skip’s mom, Violet ODell has been a member for several years.
Christine Fisher
Administrative Assistant
Deacons (currently active)
Head Deacon – Terry Meek (Head Usher)
Treasurer/Bus Director – Ron Rodriguez
Steve Schultz
Skip Cook
Steve Seaman