Loudonville Baptist Temple

Novermber is Stewardship Month

November is Stewardship Month! 

An integral part of living by faith is expressed in stewardship.  What we do with everything God places in our hands, or under our control, will be a direct reflection of whether or not we are living by faith.  Since it is possible, and even becoming acceptable, for “Christians” to live without faith, or with weak faith in America. We have become too comfortable. Our attitudes and actions with regard to our stewardship will either confirm our faith or challenge us to grow in this vital area of life.  Someone has well said, “There is no faith living, until there is faith giving”.  Of course, the “giving” in this truth encompasses so much more than just our finances, although, probably more than anything else, they are where we fail in faith most often.  Will you open your heart and mind to God’s principles of giving this month?

Posted in Pastor, Pastor's Blog on November 1, 2013.