Our attendance at the Coastline Baptist Church has remained consistent at about thirty on Sundays. We average about ten to fifteen at Bible Study on Thursday evenings. We are out soul winning as a church twice a week with a good turnout of about six on Tuesday mornings and fourteen in the afternoons. We have seen a number of people saved but very few have come to church and even fewer remain faithful in spite of followup. There are SO many distractions present here in our sports-driven society. Please pray that those who respond to the gospel will take the necessary steps to become disciples.
I recently performed a funeral for one of our dear ladies who passed away suddenly. She and her husband were sincere Christians. It was his wish that the gospel should be preached. Because there were many different religions represented, I was stunned and excited when six people raised their hands trusting Christ as Saviour. Please pray for them and for Gunther the grieving husband.
Please continue to pray for us not only as a church, but also as a missionary family. Our support has dropped considerably but with God’s help we are making ends meet. Please pray for wisdom as we decide the best time and opportunity to return to the states to raise additional support as well as report to as many churches as we can.
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support for us through these years. YOU are an inspiration to us…
Dave Westbrook
Coastline Baptist Church