New Year, New Opportunities for Discipleship!
We have been focused this year on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. I would like to challenge you to evaluate your life against what we have learned so far about discipleship. We started the year with an important truth about being a true disciple from the words of Jesus in Luke 14. He said in verse 33, “So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” The reality is many Christians may call themselves “followers” of the Lord Jesus but they are not really disciples! In this passage, Jesus is making an important distinction. If we are not willing to make our relationship with Christ THE PRIMARY relationship in our lives, we cannot be His disciple. Our focus in the last several months has been on the portraits of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. I believe that if we can gain a proper view of our Savior, it will help us to love Him more and submit our lives to Him joyfully! He is worthy of our all! When we consider what He has done to bring us back into fellowship with our Heavenly Father, how He provides for our every need day by day, moment by moment, and how He has prepared a future for us that is beyond our imagination, is there really a reason to NOT serve Him wholeheartedly?
LBT is all about helping people become followers of Christ by faith, and then grow in grace and become fully consecrated to Christ. How has that process been going in your life? Is there something hindering you? The New year often brings opportunities to renew our commitments. Many people make New Year’s resolutions. I do not believe it is necessarily wrong to make a resolution, however, if something needs to change in your life, why not start today? This year we are going to continue our quest to help people become the disciples God designed for us to be. If there is anyway that we can help you, please let us know!