Loudonville Baptist Temple

Faith Promise Sunday!

Dear friends,

This Sunday marks one of the most significant days of the year for our church – Faith Promise Sunday!  I wanted to remind you that the conference starts during Sunday School this week @ 9:45am.  If you don’t normally attend during Sunday School, this would be a good Sunday to start!  Brother Calvin Houser will be presenting his ministry to the Philippines.  In the morning service, Dr. Roger Green will be speaking.  Anyone who knows Dr. Green knows his heart for missions; you will be blessed!  After the morning service we will have an International Lunch and then, in the evening service, Brother Chase Smith will present the field of Lithuania. Then, Dr. Green will be bringing the closing message for our conference this year.  This is going to be a special day and a tremendous blessing to you.  Please come with your heart prepared and bring someone with you!

A disciple of Jesus Christ,
Pastor Koehler

Posted in Missions News, Recent News and Updates on March 21, 2014.