Loudonville Baptist Temple

Expelled From China – the Latest from our missionaries in China

Expelled from China

written by Tyler Masters

After the closing prayer on Easter Sunday, police raided a local Chinese church in the city of Harbin. They interrogated the members and took the church leadership into custody. A sister church experienced the same type of invasion shortly thereafter.

Among those arrested were two Chinese pastors and two foreign missionaries. My friends, Jake Taube and John Walz, were the key suspects in the investigation. The questioning lasted for several days requiring all of them to make regular and lengthy visits to the local police station. They told the truth about who they were and what they were doing.

After several days of wondering what would be the final verdict, Jake and John were told that they have ten days to leave the country. Although the Chinese pastors were released, they are mourning the imminent departure of their close friends and mentors.

Over the past several years the Lord has used all of these men greatly in China. Currently four healthy churches, which did not exist before Jake’s arrival, are now strong and growing. I am always amazed, but never surprised, by how the Lord uses these men in China.

Please pray for them as they make this transition. Jake and John need wisdom in knowing what step to take next, and the believers in China need encouragement knowing that the Lord will use this experience for His honor and glory. China needs more men like this who have the courage and determination to preach the gospel at any cost. Will you take their place? Will you have a part in sending others to continue the work?

Check out www.projectchina.org to learn more about the ministry and how you can help during this time.

Consider supporting Jake and John as they are forced to move everything they own from China back to the States.

Write and encourage the Chinese believers as they seek the Lord’s wisdom in the next steps for the church.

Consider helping two other men, Ben and Ed, who are currently preparing to work in China. See http://austingardner.net/ for more information.

This isn’t some story from an old book. This is happening now! Decide today what part you will have in God’s story in China.

Posted in Missions News, Recent News and Updates on April 25, 2014.