Loudonville Baptist Temple

An Update from the Psinas’ to the West Indies


Greetings to you in the precious name of Jesus!  Thank you for being a prayer partner in this Grenada ministry!  This prayer letter is meant to give you an overview of 2014.  By year end, Lord willing, we will have spoke in 73 different churches, which is an all time record number of churches for one year!

Here is our breakdown of the Grenada ministry for 2014:

– speaking in 73 different churches!

– speaking in 11 different states!

– we were in 11 different missions conferences!

– we led a total of 82 people on teams in Grenada!

– we were able to help our 5 National pastors with 5 VBS!

– we ministered to a total of 640 children at these VBS!

– we had 4 weeks of evangelism meetings!

– there was a total of 179 salvation decisions!  Thank You, Lord!

We were also blessed to meet the new MRS Kennedy Calliste!  Pastor Kennedy and Sharon were married the first week of July.  She is from Belize, loves working with children and we are very thankful God allowed the two of them to meet!

Family update:  Son Mark has been released from the hospital where he had been admitted.  Kerry still has guardianship.  Mark seems to be doing some better since he has had his medication regulated.  We are so thankful for that!  Kerry’s parents Ken & Mildred and Terri’s mother Kathryn continue to have serious health issues as they age.  Please remember them in prayer.  Son Martin was laid off several months ago when his employer down-sized and he is still looking for a job. When we are home in Illinois, and have spare time available, we stay very busy trying to keep up with the sports and band schedules of our 7 grandkids!  So thankful we can sometimes attend their school activities.

Looking ahead into 2015 we have a very full schedule and would appreciate your prayers for our health & safety.  We thank the Lord for the privilege to serve Him for Grenada!  We thank you for your prayers and partnership in this ministry!  We have had some computer problems so if you are receiving this email and would like it to be sent to a different address or if you would like to be removed from our prayer letter list, please contact us.

We pray you have a wonderfully Happy Thanksgiving and a very merry & blessed CHRISTmas with your families!!

Serving our Lord with joy,

Kerry & Terri Psinas


Posted in Missions News, Recent News and Updates on December 2, 2014.